Why Does Boa Hancock Love Luffy so Much in One Piece? Explained!

Why Does Boa Hancock Love Luffy so Much in One Piece? Explained!

The term “ship” in terms of anime is actually a shortened version of the word “relationship” and represents fan-based relationships between the characters in the series. So, if you think that two characters would be great as a couple, you’re “shipping” them together. As far as One Piece ships are concerned, one of the most popular and most expressed ones (not including Sanji simping every female character ever) is that involving the protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, and Boa Hancock. In this article, we have decided to explain to you just why Boa Hancock is so in love with Luffy and what the potential of that relationship is.

Boa Hancock is in love with Luffy because he is different. He was the first man who managed to resist her charms but, at the same time, he genuinely liked her despite her history. Luffy doesn’t like Boa in a romantic way, but his honest demeanor and his humanistic approach completely make her fall in love with him.

The rest of this article is going to explore the relationship between Boa Hancock and Monkey D. Luffy. We will explore the very nature of their relationship, the reasons behind Boa’s love for Luffy, how Luffy sees Boa, and whether there is any potential in this ship. This article won’t contain too many spoilers, but still, be careful how you approach it if you don’t know the whole story.

How did Boa Hancock and Luffy meet for the first time?

Hancock’s reputation as the most beautiful woman whose beauty is second only to that of mermaids is known worldwide. As the ruler of the Kuja tribe, she is held in high esteem among the Amazons of the island of Amazon Lily, which she owes not only to her beauty but also to the legend that she and her sisters killed a gorgon and all three were cursed as a result. This curse is said to be recognizable by a mark on her back that petrifies one upon seeing it.


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However, this legend serves only as camouflage because the symbol branded on the backs of the Gorgon sisters, is actually a symbol of slavery issued by the Celestial Dragons that Boa is willing to hide under all circumstances. Shortly after Luffy knocked out the Celestial Dragon Saint Charlos at the Human Auction and provoked an attack by Marine Admiral Kizaru, Hancock received a request from the World Government to come to Marineford to witness the execution of the recently captured Ace, which is a ruse to fight Edward Newgate, a.k.a. Whitebeard.

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However, Hancock ignores the order and the invitation to Mary Geoise, formulated a few weeks earlier, to consult with the other Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Navy about a replacement for Sir Crocodile and about Monkey D. Luffy. This goes so far that Vice Admiral Momonga anchors off Amazon Lily to pick her up in person or give her the choice of losing her status as a Warlord of the Sea. But in response to his urging, Hancock petrifies his crew with her Devil Fruit powers.

She eventually returns with her crew to the Kuja settlement on Amazon Lily but is confronted by a male intruder, who eventually sees her mark on her back as she bathes alone. Luffy, fleeing from the other Kuja, bursts in and sees the mark on her back, which he mistakes for the one Hatchan has on his forehead. Seeming to be immune to her Mero Mero no Mi, which Luffy mistakes for Foxy’s Noro Noro no Mi, Hancock eventually stops him from escaping with a Pistol Kiss, allowing him to be captured.

In the arena of the settlement, Luffy is said to die in battle for the amusement of the others for his crime of entering the island of women. But before that, Hancock punishes those who brought Luffy to the settlement in the first place and petrifies Marguerite, Sweet Pea, and Aphelandra in front of the assembled tribe for saving Luffy. As the fight for his life begins, Hancock must both watch as her pet Bacura is struck down by Luffy with a single swipe and endure numerous insults from “the man” who, unlike the viewers, doesn’t want to succumb to her charms.

Hancock zeigt Luffy ihr Mal

She eventually follows Luffy’s battle with her sisters Sandersonia and Marigold, who are dominated by them, until the two trick Luffy into subconsciously displaying his Haōshoku, a Haki that Boa Hancock also possesses. The tide turns when Luffy finally wins the fight with his Gear 2, turning the powers of Hancock’s sisters against them, and when Sandersonia’s back is exposed, Luffy throws himself onto her back to cover up her mark. This act, and the fact that her secret was almost revealed, leaves Hancock stunned. She sinks onto her throne and sheds a few tears.


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Why does Boa Hancock love Luffy?

Initially, Luffy was Boa’s enemy because he was the one who discovered her secret and was also the only one who could fend off her seductions. She came to the conclusion that such a man had no right to life and gave the nod to have him put to death. She commanded his execution since she didn’t buy into his claim that Bartholomew Kuma sent him. She also believed that he was selfish and conceited, like many males, but she was proven to be mistaken and moved by his gesture of selflessness.

She might genuinely consider Luffy to be the only person who is not related to her—along with Rayleigh and Shakky—that Boa Hancock considers her genuine friend. When he shielded her sister’s back during their altercation so that no one could see the Heavenly Dragon Slave Mark on her, she instantly became friends with him; when given the option of saving himself or the girls from Kuja, he chose to save Margaret, Sweet Pea, and Aphelandra. She revealed her past to Luffy after discovering that he had struck the Tenryubito, one of her tormentors.

Hancock fell in love with Luffy once she found out that he did not hate her for being a slave in the past. “Love Sickness,” a disease that claimed at least two of her predecessor Empresses’ lives and may have killed nearly all of them, destroyed her. But according to old Nyon, there is a chance to be treated, specifically by pursuing your lover, so death is not necessarily a result of the disease. And Boa will undoubtedly perish if she tries to repress these emotions within herself. Hancock finds it exceedingly challenging to feel these strange emotions; she physically suffers from being apart from Luffy, blushes at the mere thought of him, and becomes irate when he misspells her name.

In her incredibly vivid fantasies, Luffy appears as a charming romantic hero. When Luffy used her first name correctly and referred to it as “love shared,” she nearly passed out. She nearly fainted once more when Luffy said “Thank you” (Japanese: ありがとう, Arigatou) a little while later with his lips alone, and she interpreted his words as “I love you” (Japanese: 愛してる, Aishiteru). The girl exclaimed, “So that’s what marriage is like!” after Luffy gave her a bear hug in appreciation for her assistance and the key to her brother’s shackles.


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Gloriosa afterward revealed to her that he was single. Hancock is now determined to wed Luffy as a result. Despite the fact that Luffy has repeatedly turned down Hancock’s marriage proposal, she still adores him deeply and doesn’t give a damn. Boa declared that she despises all men, especially pirates, and Marines, with the exception of Luffy, during the battle with Whitebeard in Marineford. She never wavered in her love for Luffy, not even after she found out that he was the offspring of a wanted criminal.

Hancock fights for Luffy with all his strength in this conflict since she first assaulted Smoker and the Pacifista to save her loved one. Hancock had actually been entirely concerned with Luffy’s well-being ever since he came to Marineford, becoming absolutely furious whenever he would end up under attack and quivering in terror anytime she wasn’t sure if he was okay.

Hancock stated her determination to bear Luffy’s pain after she found Luffy after the conflict and learned from Trafalgar Law about his serious condition. She also showed great concern about Luffy; she hadn’t eaten much since returning to Amazon Lily, at least not until she became certain that he was okay, and she even gave the order to feed him as much as was necessary for his rehabilitation.

Even if he doesn’t feel the same way about Hancock as she does, Luffy nonetheless really loves and respects her. Luffy defended Boa by saying that he would not reveal who helped him enter Impel Down even if he had to die when Magellan tortured him in an effort to find out. She “saved his ass” twice later on by assisting him in breaking into Impel Down and, later, handing him the keys of Ace’s cuffs, for which Luffy hugged her in appreciation.